Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to Change MAC address of your Machine

How to change the MAC address in Windows machines

Changing MAC address in Windows machine is much easier with GUI interface. So lets start it.

Go to Network Properties.

Then click on Configure button

Monday, June 15, 2015

How to make a remote desktop connection on Linux and Windows

Here we are going to talk about how to make remote desktop connections in Linux and Windows OSs. I think you know how to establish a RDP connection to windows machine from another windows machine. So firstly i will talk about how to establish a RDP connection to a Windows machine from Linux machine.

Note : This demonstration is for Ubuntu and Kali like linux machines

RDP from Windows to Linux
Get the terminal. And type apt-get install xrdp

It will install the XRDP on your linux system. Then type service start xrdp
This will start the XRDP service on your linux machine.

Now in the terminal type whoami. This will show you the host name of your linux. Remember it. And type ifconfig find your ip address and keep in mind.
Go to your Windows machine and get run and type mstsc. Type your linux machine's IP and click on connect. Then a windows will come with black background popup for input username and password. Make sure in front of the Module has selected the Sesman-Xvnc. On the Username field type the Hostname of your linux. On the password type it's password (login password for your linux). Click on OK. Then RDP connection to the linux machine will come.

RDP from Linux to Windows

Install XRDP in Linux machine as above. Get the terminal and type rdesktop and enter. If it say rdesktop has to be install type apt-get intall rdesktop. Then type rdesktop [IP address] . In the [IP address] type your windows machine's IP addres and enter. Then in a new windows it will open up the remote desktop connection to the windows machine. Some times you may get an error of "Failed to connect , CredSSP required by server". For this go to your windows machine and got remote connection properties (Right click Comuter > Properties > Remote Settings >)  Under the Allow Remote connection to this computer remove the tick for Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication(recomended). Its for Windows 8. In Windows 7 go to Remote connection settings and select the middle one which is Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure). Then connect again from your linux machine.

You can give any resolution for the RDP windows like this. Lets say you want 1320x1020 resolution for the RDP connection... type

rdesktop [IP Address] -g 1320x120

RDP with linux two linux machine also can be done in same manner. Type rdesktop [IP Address] in the other linux machine. You can get the Remote desktop connection.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

How to speedup Android phone

Today android has covered the most of Phones Tablets and other equipments' software needs and OS. Undoubtedly Android use more percentage than IOS (up to today). So Here is best tricks to speedup your android device .Coz I'm writing this after referred many posts,forums and practically done with my android device.

1. Getting start with cleaning

As we do in our PCs cleaning is a best method to keep the speed of your all devices. Clean means delete unwanted and duplicated files from your device. As in PCs we can use tools to do this.
When your storage fill with lots of files and data device get more time to read/find the specific files. Mostly storage is consuming by duplicated files and unwanted files or apps. And also remember cache data also consuming your storage. But  the cache is important. I will come to that in next topic. So as to now remember every thing you don't need is consuming your wanted space and speed.

Delete unwanted apps.

Unwanted apps will slow down your device in many ways. They use your devices storage, CPU usage to its works, and also your internet bandwidth for updates and Sync like things. So its important to uninstall unwanted apps

You can do this in two ways. Go to your app drawer (Go to Settings > Application Manager) and surf through apps to find the apps that you are not use and do not need any more.
Or I recommend you to download Clean Master app install on your device. It's great tool to manage things in your phone. All over this post this app's features will discuss. Any way download it , install it. It will shows you the idle apps in your android device and let you to uninstall them through this app.

Friday, June 12, 2015

How to remove startups from registry

You know that it's not sufficient to avoid starting programs on startup by disabling the programs in startup option. They live in the registry. Some times those registries also should removed in-order to avoid them starting on the startup.

Get RUN and type regedit.

Now registry will open.You should go through two things. When we installing app it could be a 32 bit one or 64 bit one. The startup registry files of 32 bits apps will build in HKLM or HKCU (HKLM-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , HKCU-HKEY_CURRENT_USER) , HKLM/Software/Wow6432node/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run
HKCU/Software/Wow6432node/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run

Startup registry files of 64 bit apps will build in

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run
HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run

Deleting the remaining registry files of a app that you dont want to run on startup will work well. Specially with the malwares. Most malwares created to execute at the startup. Deleting registry files of that malware like this would end up the malware activities on your computer toatally.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Some Forensic Investigation Tools.

1.P2 eXplorer
P2 eXplorer is a forensic image mounting tool designed to help investigators manage and examine evidence. With P2 eXplorer, you can mount forensic images as read-only local logical and physical disks. Once mounted, you can explore the contents of the image using Windows Explorer or you can load it into your forensic analysis tool.
HxD is a carefully designed and fast hex editor which, additionally to raw disk editing and modifying of main memory (RAM), handles files of any size. The easy to use interface offers features such as searching and replacing, exporting, checksums/digests, insertion of byte patterns, a file shredder, concatenation or splitting of files, statistics and much more.