Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Hiding Malware from the Anti-virus

Creating Malware

You can create the malware for this test using the Apocalypse RAT. It's easy to build RATs. Don't need to explain how you will know after download it.


Normally to made the malware undetectable crypters are used. but the case is when a crypter is built by programmer and when it's getting to use over the world, it becomes popular and anti-virus system getting the signatures of its and the files created using that crypter will detected by anti-virus systems. So a crypter which popular will not survive for a long.FUD (Fully UnDetectable) manner.

So what we gonna do

There is a crypter called "Aegis crypter". The important of this crypter is it's updating the stubs and also there are numerous features using to bypass the anti-virus. So this gonna be a greate crypter for creating FUD malwares.

It can download here.

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