Saturday, May 16, 2015

How to create a No-IP DDNS.

Go to

Click on the Sign-up button. Then have to do the normal Sign-up procedure. Give the email and remember the password you gave.

Go to your email and activate the account.

Login to your No-IP account.. click Sign-in up corner. Enter your User name or Email, give the password, login.

Go to Hosts / Redirects tab

Click on Add host.

In the host name text box type your desired host name (if it has been registered you will not able to get it.)

Click on Add Host button

Then you will redirects to Manage Hosts. There will you see your host name with your IP.

Now how we bind this host name to a particular machine to remote connect for certain applications as you required. To do that you need to download No-IP client software.
To download the client software go to again and click on Download button on the top. Click on download now and download the software.

After install the client software it will launch and ask for user name and Password. Give your Username / Email and password.

Then it will open up the DUC menu. Click on Edit Host, and in the manage existing hosts tick on your host name. Click save.

If every thing ok tick marks will appears for all.

Now you did it.

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